Saturday, September 15, 2012

What are we fighting for?

'What are we fighting for?'

Family? Achievements? Friends? Honor? 

Nothing at all...?

... What are we fighting for?


I pondered, 
I stared upon the living road ahead,
And wondered,

What is life, ahead of me?

A glimpse, a vision struck me.
A voice of my head, spoke and says:

'Think of your child, of your wife, of your future.'
I saw a child or even two, and a beautiful lady that lies ahead.
Road blank, future rewrites. 

I saw myself as a great guy this time, 
Having a strong identity, knowing what he wants, 
Loving and living life to the fullest.

Most importantly, able to provides his loved ones 
On what they needs. 


I shivered. 
I felt a sense of astonishment. 

This is what I am going to fight for.


But is it enough?

Which path am i directing to my future ahead?

The path of just contentment, or of joy?

The path of loved ones that knows that they are really loved, or are suffering?

What would I do today, to change what of tomorrow?


Dear fellow readers,

You have my heart reignited, rededicated into writing a 'manuscript' above. I been wanting to write for awhile back, but I couldn't. Once, twice, and thrice, I tried my hands upon writing, but I stumbled.

I did not know why.

It was difficult, knowing I had potential in writing but I couldn't do it. I lost the flair, the essence, in doing it, for awhile. And that flair and essence are the feelings, the creativity juice that needed to flow into my piece of work. I lost them.  

But, today, looking at today's manuscript and my work back then, perhaps the answer has always been 'What are we really fighting for?'

In a coaching session, they would call it 'goal-setting'. And some would call it, 'what is life purpose?'

In a Chinese context, during the olden days, fighting for the reputation/ honor of a family name is not just a norm; but a fight to death. People would travel from village to village to seek for another, just to gained back what is lost in his family.

What is the culture, today? That is why I asked, did we fight for nothing and the answer is: 'Nothing at all...?'

Did life get so easy, so relaxed, so spoon-fed, that we are so contented and relaxed until the point that do  we actually know where we are?

I hoped I got my point across straight and clear.

Hope you realize and fight for something worth fighting for.


'Old Mind, Young Heart.